
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rice cereal with a side of croup

On January 1, 2011, Brayden turned four months old. His official four-month appointment was on the 10th, and that gave us the green light for an exciting first – eating rice cereal! But before we get to that, Brayden is now 14 lb. 7 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long. I know I said he was that long during month three but apparently I am not a good baby measurer!

Brian and I went out after the appointment, promptly bought some Gerber rice cereal, baby bowls and spoons and got ready for Brayden’s big introduction to solids. Here’s a little video of the experience. As you can see, Brayden wasn’t 100% sure how he felt about the whole mushy food thing but he was a good sport.

Unfortunately, things took a turn by the time we woke up Tuesday morning because Brayden woke up with what we thought was a cold. Flash forward to last night (Wednesday) and I was in the pediatric after hours urgent care with him because he was getting worse. Turns out the little man has croup. Daycare strikes again… (sigh) Brayden’s croup sounds terrible, and he is so uncomfortable. Brian and I are watching him like a hawk and doing everything we can to soothe his little body. We’ll keep you posted when he starts to feel better.

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