The walking thing is fun but I’ll jump ahead to the bite because I know that has your attention. I’m not going to go into too much detail since Reno is a small town but here are the basics. An older baby (he’s about 14 mos.) bit Brayden in the cheek and then head-butted him on Wednesday. Luckily, it didn’t break the skin. The bite mark faded after a day but a nice little bruise remained. Daycare handled the situation well, and Brian and I made our concerns clear. The offending child is now being moved to the older baby room on Monday. Buh-bye.
Now back to the week’s happy stuff. Last Sunday out of nowhere, Brayden decided to pull up on his walking toy and take a few steps. We caught the whole thing on video:
Before the whole bite thing happened, Wednesday was also the day we celebrated Miss Erin’s birthday at daycare. Miss Erin is beloved by Brayden. Here is his “helping” her open her birthday gifts.
Today was another beautiful day in Reno. After watching a thoroughly disappointing women’s World Cup match (sigh), we decided to take a family walk to the park next door and enjoy some swing time while decked out in Red Sox gear (thank you Aunty Heather, Aunty Eileen and Uncle Jake!). Tell me he is not the cutest baby boy EVER!
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